akaunting.com Email Addresses and Contacts - KazanSEO


The website promotes Akaunting, a free and open-source accounting software designed for small businesses and freelancers. It offers various features such as double-entry bookkeeping, chart of accounts, balance sheets, general ledgers, trial balances, inventory management, stock warehouses management, project organization with task tracking and team collaboration capabilities. Additionally, it provides payroll services with print-ready payslips generation, customer journey management including leads and pipelines tracking, expense claims management with employee expense approval system. The website emphasizes that there are no setup fees or hidden charges associated with this online accounting tool. It also mentions the availability of paid plans for users who want to take their businesses to the next level. The site provides support resources such as a blog and documentation for users to get started easily. Overall,it highlights the benefits of using Akaunting as an efficient solution for managing financial aspects of small businesses effectively and intuitively.


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