Email Addresses and Contacts - KazanSEO


The website appears to be an online platform, likely called the "Antieviction Mapping Project," that focuses on taking action and resources related to tenant resistance against evictions. It offers various reports, writings, and oral histories about eviction information, community policing effects, houselessness issues, the impact of COVID-19 on evictions and tenant resistance. The project aims to expose the negative impacts of community policing and eviction practices in Los Angeles through mapping data and narratives. It covers topics such as housing affordability, speculation, race-related issues, development banks' role in evictions, tech industry involvement in gentrification processes. Users can filter content based on location (Berkeley California area or other cities like Alameda Fremont), removing specific filters for more inclusive results. There are also webinars available as part of their programming with specific dates mentioned for upcoming events on topics like landlord technologies gentrification or densifying Berkeley in 2022. However this was extracted from a cleaned HTML code so part of it may be missing


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