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The website is about Architects Declare, a global network of architects and built environment professionals who have come together to address the twin crises of climate breakdown and biodiversity loss. The site provides information on their declaration, steering group members, news, upcoming events, past resources and useful links. Architects Declare aims to highlight that buildings and construction are significant contributors to carbon dioxide emissions and have a substantial impact on natural habitats. They emphasize the need for a paradigm shift in behavior within the construction industry to meet society's needs without exceeding ecological boundaries. The site also mentions the importance of collaboration with clients and adopting sustainable practices in architecture and urban design. The website states that research and technology already exist to begin transforming current practices into ones that have a more positive impact on climate change and biodiversity. However, what has been lacking is collective will among professionals in recognizing this issue and committing to strengthen their working practices towards creating an architecture that aligns with regenerative systems.


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