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The website is the Area Lyme Foundation, which focuses on research, education, and support related to Lyme disease. They provide information about the financial impact of Lyme disease, funded studies, leadership and scientific advisory board members. The site also discusses partnerships with the lyme community as well as sponsors and ambassadors associated with the foundation. It offers resources such as videos, podcasts, printables, prevention tools, sources for educators and inservices. The website explains what causes Lyme disease and provides facts and statistics about it. There is information about persistent Lyme disease and its history along with common myths surrounding the condition. Other tickborne diseases like Borrelia miyamotoi and Rickettsia helvetica are also covered. Additionally, there are details on how to remove a tick properly and get it tested for lyme disease. Information about symptoms including skin rashes is provided along with guidance on talking to your doctor or getting a physician referral for testing or treatment options. The website mentions ongoing research in diagnostics through IBIS direct detection test treatments as well as an agile biofilm buster combination therapy being studied for patient recruitment purposes. Citizen science research initiatives are mentioned along with clinical trials center em-related activities conducted by the foundation


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