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The website belongs to the Cambridge Film Festival (CFF), which is an annual film festival held in Cambridge, UK. The festival showcases a selection of films and hosts various events related to the film industry. The homepage provides information on award winners, festival history, team members, contact details, environmental policy, news updates, education programs, support opportunities for individuals and corporations through becoming friends or partners of the festival. It also offers options to subscribe to their newsletter and includes links to social media platforms. The CFF42 edition is mentioned as taking place from 22nd November onwards this year and invites applications for interning with the festival team. Furthermore, it highlights that submissions are open for films and announces upcoming dates for CFF42. Several sections emphasize the importance of support from patrons and corporate partners while offering unique perks in return. Additionally, there are references to official partners such as the Cambridge Film Trust which is a registered charity focused on fostering film culture and education.


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