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The website is about creating a blog for free on Eklablog and sharing one's passions with the community. The blog focuses on various topics such as films, paper, photography, literature, and more. It features excerpts of artistic creations like photographs, texts, novels, essays, and literary chronicles by Christian Chaplin and Ingrid Delberghe. Ingrid Delberghe reflects her lifelong passion for drawing influenced by the Franco-Belgian school of art and her love for nature with a particular attraction to astronomy. Gael Sacre, a young photographer from the digital generation, nurtures his love for imagery and imagination since childhood by capturing an alternate world through his work. Gaja presents her unique perspective on dolls due to their deformed faces that often make them rejected by other children but become understandable only to herself. The website allows users to publish content without constraints in various formats such as images videos, music files or tables while providing easy customization options according to individual preferences without complicated interfaces.


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