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The website "Crónica Balear" provides the latest news and current events from Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza, and other regions of the Balearic Islands. It offers various sections such as local news, sports, economics, politics, culture, health, tourism, society, international affairs, science, opinions & editorials. The site also covers topics related to pets and features a section for readers' letters. Some recent news articles include information about post-vacation syndrome lasting several days in the Balearic Islands; a drunk motorcyclist seriously injured in an accident in Alcúdia; the dismantling of a Chilean gang involved in multiple house robberies on Mallorca; and the local civil protection group of Algaida acquiring its own facility. Additionally reported are traffic disruptions caused by an accident on the Ma-13 highway that resulted in extensive delays and ongoing palm tree felling along Palma's Paseo Marítimo.