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The website is about a software called "TFOCS" (disciplined convex programming) developed by Michael Grant and Stephen Boyd. The software is designed to turn MATLAB into a modeling language for disciplined convex programming, enabling the specification of constraints and objectives using standard MATLAB expression syntax. It serves as a powerful tool for rapid prototyping of models and algorithms incorporating convex optimization. The software offers various features such as support for mixed-integer disciplined convex programs (MIDCPs), free solvers like Sedumi and SDPT3, the ability to unlock commercial solver capabilities with a professional license, and availability for both academic and commercial applications. Academic users can obtain a professional license at no charge, while commercial users need to purchase licenses directly from the research team. In addition, the website provides resources like downloads, documentation, examples, demos, support forums, news updates related to TFOCS software development. It also includes information about the developers' research background in disciplined convex programming. Overall, the site targets individuals interested in utilizing MATLAB-based convex modeling frameworks for optimal mathematical solutions and showcases how TFOCS can be applied effectively in various applications.


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