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The website is for the Research & Degrowth Academic Association, an organization dedicated to research, training, and awareness raising events related to degrowth. Degrowth refers to a socio-political movement that challenges the notion of economic growth as a means for achieving well-being and environmental sustainability. The website provides information about degrowth, its definition, history, and network. It also introduces their Research & Degrowth (R&D) team and offers volunteer opportunities, internships, teaching programs, masters courses, and summer schools on degrowth. The association's activities include research conferences (such as the International Degrowth Conference), working groups, reading groups, projects/publications/media such as books and academic/pubic writing on degrowth topics. They also share audio/video content related to degrowth news through their blog. One specific event highlighted on the site is the upcoming International Degrowth Conference in Zagreb from August 29th to September 23rd., 2023. The conference aims to bring together researchers and practitioners interested in exploring alternatives to growth-oriented economies. Additionally mentioned is an interview with Roldan Muradian from Barcelona School of Ecological Economics and Political Ecology.


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