discipleshiplibrary.com Email Addresses and Contacts - KazanSEO


The website is called "Discipleship Library" and it offers a wide range of resources for Christian discipleship training. The site provides digitized versions of classic studies on topics such as Romans, Ruth, salvation, sanctification, Satan, science, Bible scripture memory, the second coming of Christ and more. These resources have been presented over the last several years and are now available for online training and downloading on multimedia-ready computers. The mission of the website is to bring together thousands of these classic studies and make them easily accessible to individuals seeking discipleship training. Some featured topics include the teachings of Dawson Trotman, understanding the role and responsibilities of a wife by Irma Warr Downing Word Hand Illustration; learning from Boardman about living life with purpose; becoming a woman faith by Kirkie Morrissey; and following in the footsteps of Jesus as discussed by John Hunter.


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