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The website is about a data mining group that is an independent vendor consortium. They develop data mining standards and host working groups to develop the Predictive Model Markup Language (PMML), which is a portable format for analytics. PMML is used as a leading standard for statistical data mining models and is supported by numerous vendors and organizations. The purpose of PMML is to simplify the deployment of analytic models by allowing easy development in one application and deployment in another simply by transmitting a configuration file. The website emphasizes that PMML is an open standard for statistical machine learning models, providing ease of use, portability across environments, and algorithmic flexibility. Additionally, the text mentions that PMML supports data transformations, making it possible to combine simple data transformations with sophisticated MLAI algorithms. These transformations can be described using JSON or YAML configuration files. In summary, the website presents information about a data mining group that focuses on developing PMML as a standardized format for deploying predictive analytic models with ease and compatibility across various applications and environments.


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