Email Addresses and Contacts - KazanSEO


The website belongs to Phil Eaton, who is a developer, manager, and founder of various startups. He has worked in companies like Capsule8, Linode, Oracle, and Multiprocess Labs. Currently, he is the co-founder of TigerBeetle - an open-source database built from scratch with a focus on double-entry accounting. Phil shares his experiences and insights through his blog on the website. The content mainly revolves around software internals including compilers, interpreters, programming languages, distributed systems, databases, software emulation, and networks. He considers himself an expert in these topics and expresses his passion for them. In addition to the blog posts and articles about various technical subjects related to software development and technology stack exploration starting from jQuery days until now. The site also features information about joining Discord groups like Hacker Discord and Northeast Systems Group as well as updates about streaming sessions on Twitch where he discusses tech videos related to Queens Tech. Various social media platforms are linked on the website for connecting with Phil such as Twitter threads for discussions or queries related to his work or writings. Additionally, there are links to LinkedIn profile for professional networking connections along with GitHub repositories showcasing code contributions. Goodreads account mentions favorite books while Mastodon allows communication via direct messages. Overall, the website serves as a platform for sharing knowledge about software development internals while providing avenues for engagement through various social media channels. Interested individuals can subscribe via email to stay updated on future releases or announcements made by Phil Eaton.


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