elabe.fr Email Addresses and Contacts - KazanSEO


The website is about the strategic planning consulting firm "Elabe," which specializes in conducting surveys, analysis, and providing advice. The firm offers various services such as monitoring news, conducting political barometers, analyzing public opinion on topics like the coronavirus or upcoming elections, and assessing the sentiment of French citizens towards social issues and executive leadership. They also provide insights into public attitudes towards businesses and organizations, including their image relative to the Medef (Movement of French Enterprises). Elabe emphasizes objective research based on multiple sources to gain a comprehensive understanding of various perspectives. The site features different sections like team profiles, references, joining opportunities, and contact information. Notable recent topics covered include Emmanuel Macron's presidential campaign for 2022 in France, the Ukraine crisis, the Paris 2024 Olympics' impact on French people's attitudes (primarily indifference or skepticism), stability in confidence levels towards executive leadership amid socioeconomic challenges faced by France including rising debt levels but with relative optimism for future endeavors. The website showcases tweets from Elabe's Twitter account (@elabefr) where they share current affairs updates regularly. Additionally, there is an interview with Jaiyen Sananes who recently joined Elabe as Director of Client Relations at elabelinkup (a subsidiary company specializing in communication strategies). Overall, this site provides insights into public opinions derived through comprehensive studies conducted by Elabe on a wide range of subjects related to socio-political dynamics within France and beyond. Note: Some words may not make sense due to formatting issues during cleaning process


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