enrcso.org Email Addresses and Contacts - KazanSEO


The website is about a network called "ENRCSO" that focuses on environmental and natural resources conservation in Uganda. It provides information about their membership, including signed members and associate members. The site also highlights their structures such as the general assembly, secretariat, steering committee, thematic working groups, national coalitions, regional coalitions, and district coalition opportunities. The website offers various resources like newsletters and publications. It mentions important documents and presentations related to the network's work. The ENRCSO collaborates with partners like the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), CARE International Uganda, IUCN Uganda, WWFUCO Strategy among others. Some specific events are mentioned on the site as well. These include the 11th Joint Goudonor Technical Review held in April 2019, as well as a joint technical review conducted by the Ministry of Water Environment in cooperation with ENRCSO. A visit by Nabbanja Prime Minister of Uganda to an exhibition stall displaying innovations made from transforming plastic waste into useful products during Uganda's World Environment Day celebrations in 2023 is also highlighted. Additionally, there are mentions of community meetings held in different locations such as Kamwokya Parish where discussions related to water, sanitation & hygiene (WASH) took place. There is also reference to an NFSS National Stakeholders Dialogue event justifying its purpose in March 2019 along with a Suswash Project Inception Meeting at Zion Hotel Kampala during the same year. Overall, this website serves as a platform for information sharing among individuals or organizations interested or involved in environmental conservation efforts within Uganda's context through membership collaborations under ENRCSO.


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