ev-akademie-wittenberg.de Email Addresses and Contacts - KazanSEO


The website is about the Evangelische Akademie Sachsen-Anhalt (Protestant Academy of Saxony-Anhalt) and its various activities, events, publications, and projects. It focuses on spiritual, socio-cultural, and ecological themes. The site provides information about the academy's personnel, discourses, a shopping cart for event registration, login options for user accounts, a newsletter subscription, an imprint section with contact details and data protection information. Some specific topics covered include resistance in Eastern Europe region-related events like "Konfis Blick" (Confirmands' Perspective), fachtage konfiarbeit (specialized days on confirmation work), Projektleitung Camparbeit (project leadership camp work), Studiokino Cranachstiftung (Cranach Foundation study cinema), and cooperation with other organizations such as Martin Buber Leben Publikationen. Additionally featured are publications like "Briefe 42022 Orientierung Konflikt Mensch Erde Verantwortliches Glauben" ("Letters 42022 Orientation Conflict Human Earth Responsible Belief"), "Keine neuen Gentechnikpflanzen Briefe Publikation" ("No new genetically modified crops letters publication"), Halbjahresprogramm 20232 Kompakte Übersicht Unseres Programms Veranstaltungen – August bis Dezember 2023" ("Half-year program 20232 Compact overview of our program events - August to December 2023"). Furthermore mentioned are upcoming online events such as Betzavta Online which focuses on sociocultural transformation. Overall, the website serves as a platform for individuals interested in engaging with theological discussions and attending related events offered by the Evangelische Akademie Sachsen-Anhalt.


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