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The website is about a green building store that specializes in improving buildings through the use of energy-efficient windows and doors. They offer various types of windows and doors, including entrance doors, French doors, lift slide doors, and bifold doors. The site provides technical information, installation guidelines, and aftercare instructions for their products. It also offers a quote request feature and encourages visitors to visit their showrooms. Additionally, the website highlights their design service for heat recovery ventilation systems (MVHR), which includes units from brands like Zehnder and Ubink. The company also supplies components such as valves, insulation, ducting system filters, frost protection systems, sound attenuators, and supply heaters for MVHR systems. They provide useful checklists for choosing an MVHR system along with FAQs on filters and other aspects of heat recovery ventilation. Services offered by the company include consultancy services, energy design service heating ventilation specification reviews, training sessions (CPDs), window and door installations (with a focus on Passivhaus suitability), as well as airtightness products. In summary: - Green building store focusing on improving buildings using energy-efficient windows & doors. - Offers various types of windows & doors: gbs78/78a/98/98a; entrance/french/lift slide/lacuna bifold. - Provides technical info; installation guidelines; aftercare instructions. - Quote requests & showroom visits available. - Specializes in designing MVHR systems including units from Zehnder & Ubink. - Supplies components like valves; insulation; ducting system filters; frost protection & sound attenuators; supply heaters for MVHR systems - Checklist provided when choosing an MVHR system with FAQs regarding filters etc.; - Services include consultancy services; energy design service reviews; CPD training sessions; Passivhaus suitable window/door installations; Airtightness products are featured


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