iansa.org Email Addresses and Contacts - KazanSEO


The website excerpt is about the International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA), which is part of an international movement that brings together various organizations to work towards stopping violence involving small arms and light weapons. The website provides resources, publications, campaigns, side events, webinars, meetings, and information about IANSA members. It also discusses their engagement with community leaders and government officials to gain support for measures aimed at reducing armed violence and implementing strict firearms controls. Additionally, the site mentions the involvement of women in the network through the Women's Network of IANSA. The excerpt highlights a global week of action against violence in 2023 and a report showcasing campaign activities organized by IANSA members worldwide. The website further mentions the release of a report called "Common Agenda for Peace" by the United Nations Secretary-General in July 2023, with recommendations related to small arms and light weapons control.


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