iattc.org Email Addresses and Contacts - KazanSEO


The website provides information about the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC). It includes various sections such as home, meetings, publications, annual reports, bulletins, data reports, executive reports, fishery status reports, internal reports, quarterly reports, scientific publications, special reports, stock assessment reports. Additionally, there are sections related to news updates and resolutions issued by the IATTC. The website also offers information about the Aid to Artisanal Coastal Development Program (AIDCP), its instruments and procedures. It provides resources and forms for tuna tracking and training. Furthermore, the site contains details on scientific research conducted by the organization in areas like early life history and ecosystem studies. There is extensive data collection on topics including bycatch monitoring and stock assessments. Other sections provide information about the organization's role in fisheries management within its convention area. It outlines the characteristics of the IATTC as well as an organigram showcasing key members of staff. The website also lists party members along with observers from NGOs and CNMS. There is a section dedicated to vacancies and consultancies available at IATTC. Additionally provided are links to external resources related to scientific research strategic science plan and other helpful materials. Overall this website serves as a comprehensive source of information on various aspects of tuna fishing regulation through publication sharing mechanisms between nations involved in shared responsibilities


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