icann.org Email Addresses and Contacts - KazanSEO


The website belongs to ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), an organization responsible for managing the domain name system, IP address allocation, and various Internet protocols. The page highlights that it is only accessible with JavaScript enabled and offers language options in English, French, and Spanish. It provides information about ICANN's news, media policy, public comments, resources, community engagement events, and quick links to relevant sections. The site announces the opening of registration for ICANN78 Annual General Meeting scheduled from October 21-26, 2023 in Hamburg, Germany. This meeting will also commemorate the organization's 25th annual general meeting. Users are encouraged to register through a provided link or visit the dedicated ICANN78 website for more details. A news update reveals that ICANN has initiated the search process for selecting its next President & CEO. The board search committee seeks input from stakeholders through their webpage to provide updates on the progress of this search and gather thoughts on what attributes should be considered in finding a suitable leader who can shape ICANN's future. Additionally mentioned is a forthcoming webinar hosted by ICANN that focuses on global initiatives related to routing security within mutually agreed norms. Overall, this website serves as a hub for information regarding ICANN's activities and invites stakeholders to engage with them through registration processes, sharing views on leadership needs or participating in webinars about important internet-related topics.


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