iges.com Email Addresses and Contacts - KazanSEO


The website is about the latest developments and activities of IGES Institut, a research and consulting organization in the healthcare sector. It provides updates on various topics such as record-breaking sick leave rates, acquisition of a majority stake in a Swedish market access specialist company called Synergus, involving multiple stakeholders in designing mobility stations, evaluating digitalization in nursing consulting, forecasts for future healthcare needs in Schleswig-Holstein and Baden-Württemberg regions of Germany, efforts to address shortages of short-term care facilities and attract young doctors through job sharing models. The site also covers topics related to healthcare in Europe and globally, including market access for medical products in Germany, positive work experiences in nursing care, improving palliative care in nursing homes to prevent hospital admissions, entering the German market with health and care apps successfully, preparations for upcoming changes advised by EUHTA experts. Additionally, it mentions their expertise areas like skills studies and projects undertaken by IGES gruppe (group).


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