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The website belongs to a publishing company called InPressCO, which is an international press corporation. The site provides information about their terms and conditions, privacy policy, general articles, home journals, author guidelines, templates, copyright rules, article submission process. It also mentions publication ethics and indexing details with Google Scholar. The website states that InPressCO is one of the leading publishers globally and has served more than 10,000 authors with invited articles in various fields such as engineering science technology management industrial engg biotechnology. Article submission is currently open for online journals indexed by NAAS (National Academy of Agricultural Sciences) and the University of Regensburg in Germany. They also mention cross-given articles related to industrial engineering fields including small industries processing pulp paper industry leather industry textile industry ceramics industry glass industry silk production film industry. Since 2010 up until now, InPressCO claims to have published around 3,500 articles and served over 10,000 researchers worldwide from diverse engineering science technology backgrounds including thermal technologies. Overall summary: This website represents the international press corporation called InPressCO that publishes articles in various fields with a focus on industrial engineering. They offer online journal publications and claim to have served numerous authors and researchers globally since their establishment in 2010.


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