jhf.org Email Addresses and Contacts - KazanSEO


The website belongs to the Jewish Healthcare Foundation, which is an activist grantmaking foundation based in Pittsburgh. The foundation has three operating arms: Pittsburgh Regional Health Initiative (PRHI), Health Careers Futures, and Women's Health Activist Movement Global (WHAMglobal). They are dedicated to advancing healthcare innovation, advocacy, collaboration, and education for better population health. The website features publications, videos, news articles, and contact information related to the foundation's work. PRHI focuses on regional health initiatives in Pittsburgh while Health Careers Futures focuses on promoting health careers. WHAMglobal offers a unique brand of activist philanthropy with a focus on women's health. One of the notable activities mentioned on the site is the National Patient Safety Board (NPSB) advocacy coalition hosting a congressional briefing highlighting the need for patient safety board work. The foundation also discusses senior care workforce challenges and hosts elder care conferences focused on creating impact by 2023. Additionally, there are mentions of PRHI board members discussing patient safety tech challenges with counterparts from Norway and Finland during July in Pittsburgh. Overall, this website provides information about the Jewish Healthcare Foundation's involvement in grantmaking related to healthcare activism, as well as their various programs and initiatives aimed at improving population health.


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