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The website is about two platforms, LifeStreet and Nero, which are designed for different purposes in the field of programmatic marketing. The LifeStreet platform is built for performance marketers and developers who aim to drive more users to their mobile apps or websites. It provides solutions, case studies, and resources focused on maximizing Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) by optimizing bidding strategies and converting impressions into customers.
On the other hand, the Nero platform is designed for performance advertisers seeking efficient access to in-app programmatic supply. It offers a machine learning-driven approach that accurately predicts advertiser value for each conversion and serves optimal ads. Nero emphasizes transparency, control, and flexibility in campaign management where advertisers can change every element of their bidding strategy to ensure ongoing performance according to Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
Both platforms strive to provide transparent and accurate results while enabling advertisers or developers to test continually using signals and models in order to find better outcomes. Additionally, the website showcases the team behind these platforms as well as information about careers, partners, a blog section with informative content related to programmatic marketing, login access for existing users of LifeStreet's services or tools developed within these frameworks.