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The website is about Mobility Plus Sports Rehab, a chiropractic care center located in downtown Seattle. They specialize in providing treatment for various conditions such as back pain, neck pain, knee pain, foot and ankle pain, shoulder pain, elbow pain, nerve impingement ppain and sports injuries. The website offers information about their services including virtual appointments, chiropractic adjustments, functional rehabilitative exercises, biomechanical movement assessments using the McKenzie Method and clinical neurodynamics. They also provide continuing education courses (CEUs) on topics like low back pain management and neurodynamic solutions. The site includes patient success stories and updates related to COVID-19. Additionally, they offer resources like a clinical companion ("") with Phillip Snell's expertise on self-care methods for back issues and the Human Matrix approach with Cupples' Kinetic Integrations techniques by Guido Ryssegem. The first visit section explains what patients can expect during their initial appointment while the Health Insurance Billing Policy outlines how they handle insurance claims. The blog section provides tips and advice related to health concerns while the Contact page allows users to book patient appointments or inquire via phone consultation or FAQs. Overall, Mobility Plus Sports Rehab aims to help patients overcome pain and injuries efficiently so that they can return to an active lifestyle in Seattle.


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