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The website is for the Nobel Women's Initiative, an organization that has been working since 2006 to support women's movements and organizations worldwide in their efforts to promote peace, defend justice, and champion equality. The initiative is led by a group of Nobel laureates including Rigoberta MenchĂș Tum, Jody Williams, Shirin Ebadi, Leymah Gbowee, Tawakkol Karman, and Maria Ressa. The site provides information on their board profiles, supporters (individuals and institutional donors), as well as staff profiles. It also highlights the organization's programs, events, training initiatives, mentorship opportunities, and advocacy campaigns focused on areas such as peacebuilding and shifting narratives to influence social change. The site features news releases, statements from the organization along with annual thematic reports and blogs discussing their approach towards increasing the visibility of women striving for peace, justice & equality. Additionally it shares information about their vision/mission statements based on feminist principles plus details about its history/background while outlining strategic directions until 2023-2027 which involves subscribers getting involved or donating towards various job opportunities or healing delegations etc


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