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The website is called the National Reporting Center and it is dedicated to collecting and disseminating objective data on unidentified flying objects (UFOs). It maintains a database of sighting reports and features a gallery of related images. The website also provides information about the organization, including its mission and history. Users can toggle between different sections of the website, such as posts, data bank, gallery, file report, donate, and about. The site offers a search function for easier navigation. Recent activity highlights include reports posted after the July 2023 congressional hearings on UFOs and testimony from whistleblower David Grusch who is a navy pilot. There has been an uptick in reports with an increased volume following these hearings. Moreover, Sean Kirkpatrick from the Alldomain Anomaly Resolution Office made a notable statement during a public presentation with NASA regarding metallic orbs that are making interesting maneuvers around the world. The site mentions that their data bank has been updated with new reports posted in July 2023 but does not provide further details about them.


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