ocdla.com Email Addresses and Contacts - KazanSEO


The website is a comprehensive platform called "Center Angeles" that has been serving the community since 1999. Their services include both in-person and online therapy for individuals and groups. The staff at Center Angeles specializes in treating various mental health conditions such as pure obsessional harm, HOCD (Homosexual Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), scrupulosity, relationship issues, postpartum concerns, child and adolescent problems, social anxiety disorders, hypochondria, dermatillomania (skin picking), trichotillomania (hair pulling), body dysmorphic disorder, panic disorder, phobias, and olfactory reference syndrome. The website offers cognitive-behavioral therapy and mindfulness-based therapy to support their clients. Additionally, there are also online support groups available for social anxiety and obsessive-compulsive behaviors like dermatillomania and trichotillomania. For those seeking intensive treatment options for anxiety disorders or other conditions mentioned above can access sliding scale treatment plans. To assist individuals in understanding their symptoms better or determine if they may be struggling with certain conditions mentioned earlier on the site homepage; they offer various tests related to pure obsessional OCD symptoms (Pure Test), harm OCD thoughts (Harm Test), HOCD concerns (HOCD Test), relationship-related OCD symptoms(Relationship ROCD test) , perinatal/postpartum depression/anxiety screening(Perinatal/Postpartum Test), child & adolescent-related challenges(Child/Adolescent test); evaluations of social anxiety/social phobia(Social Anxiety/Social Phobia Test) ; excessive worry about having a serious illness(Hypochondria test); skin picking(Dermatillomania test); hair-pulling behavior(Trichotillomania test); panic attacks(Panic Disorder test); specific fears or aversions(phobia-specific tests) including an olfactory reference syndrome/equivalent condition(Olfactory Reference Syndrome test). Overall, Center Angeles is a comprehensive mental health resource that offers therapy services, online support groups, and various assessment tools to help individuals cope with and overcome their mental health challenges.


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