onwd.com Email Addresses and Contacts - KazanSEO


The website is focused on the work of an organization called "Onward," which aims to empower and support individuals with spinal cord injuries. The site offers a menu where visitors can access various options or requests for information. Onward is dedicated to developing meaningful innovations that are designed to improve the lives of people with spinal cord injuries. To learn more about how they handle your personal information, the privacy policy should be reviewed. By registering on the site and providing personal data, you consent to receive updates on clinical studies, technology developments, marketing promotions, and general company updates from Onward. They assure that any personal data collected will only be used by them for processing your requested information and sending relevant emails. Certain fields in the registration form are marked as mandatory (indicated with an asterisk) while others are optional. Access to this data is limited strictly to employees responsible for processing requests at Onward, ensuring compliance with Regulation 2016/679 (EU General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR) regarding protection of personal data. As a user, you have certain rights such as accessing, rectifying, erasing, or porting your personal data. Additionally, you can place limitations on its processing or communicate directives regarding its fate after your death. Please note that this summary has been generated based on cleaned HTML text from the website and may not capture all details accurately.


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