Email Addresses and Contacts - KazanSEO


The website is the OpenStreetMap blog and it supports the OpenStreetMap project community consultation on the OpenStreetMap Foundation (OSMF) strategic plan. The OSMF board has been revising the strategic plan over the past three months and has shared a rewritten version for feedback from OSMF members and the community. The latest version of the strategic plan can be found on their website. They encourage users to provide their ideas and inputs through the community forum or mailing list. Previous rounds of feedback on earlier versions have been helpful in shaping the current document. The strategic plan begins with a preamble that provides an overview of where they are currently and where they need to go. It retains four clusters - technical infrastructure, community development, institutional development, financial governance - around which OSMF organizes its work. Within these clusters, there are goals mentioned along with major actions. Importantly, there is an indication of which part of OSMF is responsible for developing and implementing these actions. The overall plan aims to be more concise and clear in providing a solid basis for understanding OSMF's work moving forward. They will review feedback on an ongoing basis to continue refining their strategic plan.


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