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The website is about OpenLayers, a high-performance and feature-packed library for mapping needs. OpenLayers is an open-source JavaScript library that allows dynamic display of tiles, vector data, and markers from various sources. It provides documentation, quick start tutorials, workshops, examples, and code repositories to help users get started with using OpenLayers. The latest version (v8.0.0) can be downloaded from the release page. The website also highlights the key features of OpenLayers such as support for tiled layers from Bing Maps, Mapbox, Stadia Maps, etc., as well as untiled layers for rendering vector data in various formats including GeoJSON and Mapbox vector tiles. Additionally, it emphasizes OpenLayers' support for mobile devices through HTML5 mobile readiness and leveraging technologies like Canvas and WebGL. Users can build lightweight custom profiles by selecting only the necessary components and easily customize and extend control styles using straightforward approaches provided by OpenLayers. Overall, the site provides comprehensive information on how to use OpenLayers effectively for all kinds of geographic information mapping purposes while being completely free under a 2-clause BSD license.


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