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The website belongs to the National Precast Concrete Association (NPCA). It is an association that represents the precast concrete industry in the United States. The site offers a variety of resources and services for specifiers, professionals, and members involved in the industry. These resources include webinars, technical information on precast products, environmental product declarations, plant evaluation program details, industry updates, FAQs section, and contact information for technical support. The NPCA also provides education programs through Precast University and onboarding initiatives. They organize leadership meetings and an annual convention called "Precast Show", along with other events throughout the year. Publications such as newsletters, podcasts, and a manual for jointed precast concrete pavement are available. The website also features information about NPCA's mission and leadership team. It provides data on the precast concrete industry along with awards given by NPCA. Information regarding membership options for both businesses in academia is provided alongside committee details and training opportunities. Safety and sustainability are important aspects promoted by NPCA through their foundation. Additionally, there is an affinity program available as well as apparel items in a shop section of their site. Overall, this website serves as a comprehensive resource hub catering to various stakeholders involved in or interested in learning more about the precast concrete industry represented by NPCA.


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