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This website belongs to the Committee for Public Counsel Services (CPCS), an organization dedicated to providing legal services and counsel for people in need, who cannot afford to hire their own attorney. The website offers various resources such as directories, news updates, client resources, and information on different units within the CPCS. These units include the Immigration Impact Unit, Drug Litigation Unit, Criminal Trial Support Unit, Public Defenders Division, Alternative Commitment Registration Support Unit, Private Counsel Division, Criminal Appeals Unit, Children Family Youth Advocacy Attorney Vendor Resources unit. Additionally provided are sections related to hiring certification training resources and vendor billing court cost vendor manuals. Expert vendors in social work and social services are also listed along with other relevant information on public service loan forgiveness. The site also features different divisions within the committee including Mental Health Litigation Division and Youth Advocacy Division. Visitors can find details about job opportunities available at CPCS as well as press releases related to their work. Overall values emphasized by the organization include courage accountability respect excellence in fighting for equal justice


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