qrcode-monkey.com Email Addresses and Contacts - KazanSEO


The website is about a free QR code generator called QR Code Monkey. Users can create custom codes with logos and customize them according to their preferences. The website provides options for generating various types of codes such as text, email, phone, vCard, location, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, WiFi, event registration, Bitcoin wallets, and more. It also allows users to generate QR codes for video links and social media profiles. Additionally, the website offers features like storing images in a gallery and receiving ratings and feedback from users. Users can enter their desired content or information into the provided fields to generate the QR code. They can also add line breaks in text fields if needed. The website supports multiple languages including English (default), Deutsch (German), Español (Spanish), Français (French), Italiano (Italian), Português (Portuguese), and Indonesian. Users can also share the generated QR code on social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter directly from the website by entering valid sharing details. The site provides options to edit the code's content even after it has been generated. Furthermore, there are options available for filling out personal information such as full name, organization/position held at work/school/organization/company they belong to along with contact details such as phone numbers (work/private/mobile) and email addresses. Additionally few other functionalities include searching addresses using latitude-longitude or manually dragging markers on maps feature provided on the site interface itself. Overall,it is a comprehensive platform that allows individuals/businesses/public figures to easily create customized QR codes for various purposes along with different features related to interactions with these created codes.


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