qtile.org Email Addresses and Contacts - KazanSEO


The website is about a tiling window manager called Qtile. It provides screenshots, videos, documentation, and issue tracking on its GitHub page. The current release is v0.22.1 from September 2022. The site offers a download link for the release along with release notes and an installation guide. Qtile is described as a full-featured and hackable tiling window manager that can be written and configured using Python. The website provides code snippets demonstrating how to import various components such as screens, groups, windows, layouts, and widgets. The mentioned code demonstrates how to use keyboard shortcuts (keymod) to switch between windows in the current stack pane or within panes of the stack layout itself. It also shows how to move windows up or down in the stack, shuffle them around, toggle focus between different panes, rotate split/unsplit sides of the stack layout, and spawn new terminal instances. Overall, the website serves as a resource for users interested in learning about Qtile's features and functionality through its documentation as well as accessing support via GitHub issues.


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