Email Addresses and Contacts - KazanSEO


The given text appears to be a summary or index of the content found on a website related to the National Society Sons of the American Revolution (NSSAR). The website seems dedicated to providing information and resources about the organization, its history, mission, goals, and various programs/initiatives. Some key points mentioned in the text include: 1. National Society Sons of the American Revolution: It has been active since 1889 and focuses on opportunities for members. 2. General Officers and Staff: Information about individuals holding positions in leadership roles within NSSAR. 3. Headquarters: This likely refers to the physical location where NSSAR operates from. 4. Mission and Goals: A description of NSSAR's purpose and objectives as an organization. 5. Future Education Center/Museum: Insights into plans or aspirations for establishing an educational center/museum affiliated with NSSAR. 6. Governance: Presumably details regarding how NSSAR is organized and functions. 7. Financial Filings: Likely refers to financial records or reports submitted by NSSAR. 8. Past Presidents General Congress Locations: Information about locations where past general congress meetings have taken place. 9. Compatriot Presidents/Compatriot Medal Honor Recipients: Possibly mentions former presidents of local society branches along with recipients of distinguished medals within NSSAR. 10. Membership Application Process (Join/Apply): Instructions or steps on becoming a member of NSSAR, possibly including different categories like associate status for ladies and children associated with members who served during the American Revolution era. 11. Education Programs & Awards: - Betty Lawrence American History Teacher Award - Elementary School Poster Contest - Arthur Berdena King Eagle Scout Contest Activity Award - George Stella Knight Essay Contest - Joseph Rumbaugh Historical Oration Contest 12 Notable Speeches Members/patriot chest ROTC/JROTC Other Cadet Recognition Program Moses Adams Memorial Middle School Brochure Contest Youth Brochure Youth Exchange Program: Various initiatives, contests, and recognition programs for members of different age groups involved in NSSAR. 13. Podcast: Indicates the availability of a podcast related to NSSAR's education efforts. 14. Genealogy & Copy Services: Mentions resources or services relating to genealogical research within NSSAR. 15. Online Record Copy Patriot Search Systems: Likely refers to online tools or systems for searching and obtaining records related to patriot ancestors. 16. Genealogy Contact List: A list of individuals who can be contacted for genealogy-related inquiries within NSSAR. In summary, the website appears to provide comprehensive information about the National Society Sons of the American Revolution (NSSAR), covering aspects such as its history, membership opportunities, educational programs/contests, governance, financial filings along with plans for an education center/museum and various genealogical resources/services provided by NSSAR.


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