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The website,, is a science fiction news community that caters to fans of the genre. It offers various sections such as news, announcements, book reviews, comic books, games, and information about sci-fi conventions and events. The website covers updates on sci-fi movies and series while also providing views and reviews from the community. Special sections like "Ahsoka" and "Star Trek Strange Worlds" focus on specific topics within science fiction. Additionally,social media platforms like Facebook,Twitter,Instagram,and Youtube are utilized for engagement with followers who can search for content through these channels too.The recent stories feature includes updates on popular trends,followed by voting opportunities for favorite sci-fi series or movie-related news.Moreover,the website reports on other news related to the entertainment industry.In addition to its coverage of mainstream releases,the site has dedicated segments covering special areas of interest,such as Ahsoka (character) from Star Wars and Star Trek Strange Worlds.Furthermore,it maintains a wiki page wherein users can find details about conventions and events.A login option is available to become an active member in order to engage more with the community. Unfortunately,I was unable retrieve any additional data beyond this point due to limitations of processing text form-heavy web pages.I apologize for any inconvenience caused


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