Email Addresses and Contacts - KazanSEO


Based on the extracted HTML elements, it seems that the website is for a digital marketing and design agency called "Seota." The site includes various CSS styles, such as colors, padding, margin, and layout specifications. It also mentions a specific location in Frisco. The website features responsive design with media queries for different screen sizes. It includes an image element with flexible properties and heading elements styled with specific font weights. There are also references to a menu structure and an award section. Additionally, the site has container elements and uses padding to adjust spacing within items. It utilizes a slick slider module for displaying content and applies box shadow effects on certain sections. Finally, there are footer elements containing social media links arranged in flexbox format. However, without further context or additional information from the original content of the website, it is difficult to provide a comprehensive summary of what services or products this particular digital marketing agency offers specifically.


Emails Found:


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