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The website is called "Scholars for Truth and Justice" (STJ911) and it aims to address unanswered questions about the September 2001 attacks through scientific research and public education. The group consists of scholars, supporters, members of the press, and concerned individuals who seek to examine evidence related to the Pentagon attack, Flight 93 crash, military response, foreknowledge of the events, as well as principal hypotheses associated with official theories and alternative theories. The website provides resources such as publications on their sister site Journal of 9/11 Studies along with references to other credible sources. They offer critiques of official theories and alternative theories relating to the attacks while analyzing media coverage and highlighting instances of misinformation or propaganda. The focus is also on policy consequences resulting from these events and opportunities for change. Scholars for Truth and Justice encourage action by providing information on their blog, journal articles written by members, presentations made by members at conferences or events, as well as contributions from their member community. The website acknowledges that they are committed to effecting change through nonviolence. It includes a position statement against violence and racism along with updates on latest news events related to their cause. Additionally, there are videos available on various topics related to 9/11 investigations provided by STJ911-verified users. Overall, Scholars for Truth and Justice aim to provide credible research-based information about the September 2001 attacks in order to promote a deeper understanding among the public while actively advocating for positive societal change without resorting to violence or discrimination.


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