tap-ag.com Email Addresses and Contacts - KazanSEO


The website is about the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP), a major energy infrastructure project that aims to transport natural gas from Azerbaijan through Turkey, Greece, and Albania to Italy. The site provides information on TAP's mission, vision, values, code of conduct, regulatory compliance program, management team, shareholders' picture and status. It also covers details about the pipeline's route and infrastructure, construction history, efforts to protect cultural heritage, commitment to sustainability and environmental protection including reducing emissions and enhancing biodiversity. Additionally, it highlights TAP's engagement with communities by responding to grievances and respecting human rights. The site includes reports on lenders' requirements as well as various aspects of project management like procurement and contracting with regards to infrastructure operation and maintenance. It also offers information on current job opportunities, FAQs for interested parties, and an integrated quality health safety environment (QHSE) management system concerning business continuity. Moreover,TAP emphasizes its social & environmental investments in Italy, Greece,and other areas related to social cultural heritage protection.


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