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The website belongs to Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity, a non-profit organization based in the Twin Cities area. They provide affordable homeownership opportunities for low-income individuals and families through their programs, such as TruePath Mortgage and Homeownership. The organization also offers home repair services and mortgage foreclosure prevention assistance. The website provides information on how to support the organization, including ways to donate money, household items, cars, or become a fundraiser. They also have various volunteer opportunities available for individuals, groups, retirees, and corporate teams. Additionally, they offer resources and guides on topics like first-time homebuying and current habitat homeowners. The site features an online volunteer store where merchandise can be purchased to support the cause. It encourages involvement in events like Global Engagement Women Build and provides avenues for advocacy. Information about job opportunities within the organization can also be found on the site. Overall, Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity's website serves as a platform to inform visitors about their mission of creating affordable housing options while providing avenues for engagement through donations, volunteering, events participation, advocacy efforts, shopping at their restore outlets or online store supporting habitat merchandise.


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