tusij.com Email Addresses and Contacts - KazanSEO


Based on the given text, it is difficult to determine the exact topic or purpose of the website. However, some relevant information can be inferred. The website seems to have a focus on various types of content such as banners, vlogs (video blogs), logos, and possibly gifs. It mentions different sizes and dimensions for these visual elements including 1920px by 1080px and specific measurements in millimeters. There are also references to VIP services with different numbers assigned (7vip, 30vip). The numbers "5000" and "1000" appear multiple times throughout the text but their meaning remains unclear. Other details in the text include copyright notices related to years ranging from 2019 to 2023 along with an ICP number (ICP190024363) which may indicate compliance with Chinese internet regulations. There is also a mention of a QQ ID (qq511868314). In summary, based on this limited information from the cleaned HTML code, one can infer that this website might offer design-related services like creating banners, logos, vlogs, potentially selling them through VIP packages or memberships. Additional context or examination of other parts of the website would be needed for a more accurate understanding of its purpose.


Emails Found:


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