The website is about unpkg, a fast global content delivery network that provides quick and easy access to files from package repositories. Users can load files from packages using examples and either fixed version numbers or semver ranges. The site allows users to omit the version tag entirely or use "latest" to fetch the most recent version of a file. If the file path is not specified, unpkg will serve the file specified in the "unpkg" field of package.json or fall back to the main file. Additionally, unpkg supports appending query parameters to retrieve metadata about a file or package.json for any specific file. The website also explains how bare import specifiers for JavaScript modules can be expanded using unpkg URLs, although this feature is experimental. It describes how cached files are based on their permanent URL, including the package version number, which prevents package authors from overwriting published packages with different versions having the same number. Browsers cache these assets indefinitely unless instructed otherwise through cache control headers provided by