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The website is about a company called Visual Lead that offers a technology solution for smart packaging, brand protection, and mixed reality code generation. They provide a visual code generator tool that enables businesses to create their own visual codes for marketing campaigns. The website also includes a blog section where they share information about their works and different types of code generation. The website is available in multiple languages including English, Deutsch, Nederlands, Polski, Español, Italiano, and Português. Users can sign up for free to use the visual code generator tool and create their own visual codes. The website mentions that Visual Lead has launched dotless visual codes on Alibaba Group's product platform and has been used by over 500,000 businesses. Users can customize the design of their visual codes by selecting from pre-designed templates or uploading images of their choice. These visual codes can be printed on marketing materials to engage with customers. The platform also allows users to track and manage the performance of their campaigns by monitoring the number of scans, mobile-optimized content views, leads generated, social engagements received, etc. The site highlights the effectiveness of using branded creative visual codes for marketing purposes and claims to offer more than 50,400 scans with increased customer interactions compared to regular black-and-white monochromatic QR codes.


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