wavemetrics.com Email Addresses and Contacts - KazanSEO


The website is about a software program called Igor developed by Wavemetrics. Igor is a data analysis and graphing software that offers various features and updates. It provides a unique hybrid interface for easy data access, supports different file formats including binary files and HDF5, allows hardware data acquisition and exportation in multiple formats, provides internet support, databases, and external access for data storage. The software includes numerous tools for creating graphics, graphs, plots with customizable settings such as trace settings and axis settings. It also offers features like contour plots, flexible axes, animations, preferences customization through templates, page layouts design tables creation with drawing tools annotations color tables subwindows volume surface plots path ribbon plots scatter object plots isosurfaces voxelgrams volume slices exporting of graphics image processing image acquisition image transforms mathematical operations histogram modifications image interpolation image registration background removal image rotation color spaces thresholding localized filters edge detectors. Overall it appears to be a comprehensive software package for data analysis and visualization purposes.


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