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The website is about Kindernothilfe, an organization that has been helping children for many years. They work together with others to provide support and assistance to children in need. The organization is active worldwide, focusing on education and climate protection projects in countries such as Africa, Asia, and Latin America. They also offer immediate help in situations such as child labor, climate change effects, and violence cycle-breaking in places like Ukraine, Guatemala, Pakistan, and Ethiopia. Kindernothilfe encourages people to get involved by donating money or time through various means such as one-time donations, regular contributions, becoming a sponsor or volunteer at churches or schools. Other options include leaving a bequeathment or making corporate donations. The website provides information on their projects, lobby work for children's rights internationally along with transparency through board control measures and press materials available for schools and communities. There are resources available regarding sponsorship opportunities for individuals or organizations at kindergartens/childcare centers sports clubs/sports associations.


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