westdean.org.uk Email Addresses and Contacts - KazanSEO


The website provides information about West Dean College and its various programs in arts, design, craft, and conservation. It offers degrees, diplomas, higher education courses, and awards in subjects such as contemporary crafts, ceramics, creative writing publishing, fine furniture, garden design, historic building conservation, horology (study of timekeeping devices), interior design metalwork musical instruments tapestry. The site also mentions admissions process for international students and provides useful information on funding studies. In addition to this information about courses and degrees offered by the college is available along with a range of short courses spanning different months from August 2023 to September 2024 focusing on subjects like basket-making chair seating willow work books paper lettering conservation creative writing digital skills gardening glass mosaics etc. Overall the website caters to individuals interested in pursuing various forms of art and craft education at West Dean College.


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